
Archaeological site of Delphi

Archaeological Site of Delphi The pan-Hellenic sanctuary of Delphi, where the oracle of Apollo spoke, was the site of the omphalos, the 'navel of the world'. Blending harmoniously with the superb landscape and charged with sacred meaning, Delphi in the 6th century B.C. was indeed the religious centre and symbol of unity of the ancient Greek world.

Modern seaside city of Itea

Ideal for families with children. Walk along the coast to relax ,have a nice home cooked meal,fresh fish and traditional meat recipies.Mountain and sea are here in absolute harmony.

Hosios Loukas Monastery

A historic walled monastery situated near the town of Distomo, in Boeotia, Greece. Founded in the mid-10th century, the monastery is one of the most important monuments of Middle Byzantine architecture and art, and has been listed on UNESCO's World Heritage Sites since 1990.

Traditional city of Galaxidi

Τhe stately town of Phocis with its important naval past that kept traditional architecture of the houses.cobbled streets ,Maritime museum ,amazing gourmet delicacies and lovely beaches.

Agios Minas beach

Enjoy the lighful ride to a beach that resembles the greek islands beaches. Deep blue sea and amazing light. Don't miss the sunset!